
Saturday, February 26, 2011

An Amazing 3 Months

Buat yang request poto terbaru, ni... :)

Ada yang aneh engga di foto tersebut? Well.. According to the story I posted on January 2011, I suppossed to be about 20 weeks pregnant. But you cannot see any babybump, can you? Yes, with this picture I would like to tell you all guys that we had lost the baby on february 11, 2011. I was 12 weeks (3 months) pregnant and experienced 'Complete Abortus' (you can search on the net for more details about it).

Yes, with this picture I officially would like to tell you that we both (me and husband) were so sad yet ridha about what Allah decided is above our power. We were sad, but we're just fine. Insha Allah we know that Allah has managed everything.

It happened so fast that i still can remember how happy we were about my pregnancy and all the sudden we both knew that it wont last any longer. That is also why I just cannot share you about the story currently. It was a lil bit confusing since I just annonced my pregnancy and havent got tell you any details about it first, but now I have to announce that we lost the baby instead. We never know how surprising this life can be :).

But beyond everything, we thank God the most. Alhamdulillah... We had a very amazing 3 months of our life. 3 months having this joy in my womb. 3 months knowing what it feels like to be a parents. And at the end, experiencing labour (even for an unsurvival fetus weight about 300grams). Alhamdulillah.. :)

So, like Raditya Dika said "Since it started with one story, i think it should be ended with one."

*The photo was taken on March 19, 2011.
*First written on the date listed, but then perfected and re-posted on March 21, 2011.

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